House iconStronger you, stronger community

If you’re looking for a great fitness centre in Bath with a wide range of fitness classes then we’d encourage you to consider
becoming a member of the YMCA Bath.

Not only do you get a whole host of benefits, but you will be actively supporting our charitable work.


House iconBenefits include:

  • Dedicated and qualified fitness professional staff, who will work with you to achieve your own person health, fitness and wellbeing goals.
  • Complimentary initial fitness consultation, personal programme for the gym and up to 3 further consultations / programmes a year for all-inclusive members. Each consultation and programme is worth £30
  • Ability to book your place in our classes – so you have the reassurance that your place is there however busy the class (online booking available).
  • Our staff are constantly on hand to monitor your progress; give you a boost when your training is feeling tough and best of all, to celebrate your successes with you
  • Unlimited number of classes or gym sessions per day, week or month
  • You will be part of our YMCA family, we will care about you, know your name and support you on your wellness journey