Platform for life works with 18-24 year olds who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

We offer accommodation for up to two years in a safe, friendly and supportive shared housing environment. It is especially for young people who are working, training, studying or applying to do so.

Accommodation is provided in a shared house with 3 or 4 housemates. Every young person has a room of their own and will share communal spaces with their housemates.

The houses are in a variety of locations in Bath and North East Somerset.

How it works

We provide regular one to one sessions with a Platform for Life support worker with the aim encouraging young people’s growth and development.

Platform for Life works with partner organisations both within and outside Bath, young people will be signposted to our partner agencies for support as and when they need it.

Who can apply

Young People aged 18-24 years who are working, training, studying or applying to do so. This could include an apprenticeship, full time college course, or a job.

The scheme is designed to meet the needs of young people with low support needs.

What are low support needs?

Low support needs are defined as:

  • May have some emotional/family/low self-esteem issues, but with input are likely to improve
  • Have some independent living skills or the ability to learn quickly
  • Need to experience a less structured setting than in a home or care setting to begin to take full responsibility
  • Have no significant drug/alcohol use
  • Have no major emotional or anger issues
  • Have little or no criminal behaviour
  • Be willing to engaged in plans/solutions
  • Are keen to engage in a shared housing community environment