YMCA Bath is part of YMCA Brunel Group – a local charity and social enterprise in Bristol, Bath, Mendip and South Somerset (and part of the worldwide movement). 

We are particularly passionate about working with young people who are having tough time and we do this by giving them a safe place to stay but also 1-2-1 support to help them take the next stage – which might be longer term accommodation or some other form of help.

We do a lot of our work without any kind of Government support and instead run two social enterprise hostels (here in Bath and one in Bristol), that cover a lot of our costs and allow us to do much needed charitable work.

This means that if you choose to stay at one of our commercial hostels or to exercise with us in our health and wellbeing centre (part of our charitable work)  – you are making a difference to people’s lives by giving them the opportunity to access the support they need.

That really does make us different to other hostels and gyms.



Community Pollinator Garden

Thanks to West of England Combined Authority’s Bee Bold Awards, we have been given the opportunity to transform our former nursery garden into a community pollinator garden! This outdoor urban space has been sitting untouched for over a year due to lack of time and funds. With this grant and the amazing local support from Roots Allotments, we can now turn this space into a shared community space.

The garden will be accessible to our service users in supported housing, gym members, hostel visitors, and staff alike so everyone in our community can have access to green spaces and learn about the importance of pollinators.

The funding also covers our site in Bristol, The Bristol Wing, where we have a rooftop space – read here for more details.

Want to get involved? We will be holding volunteer activities later on in the year and early next year! Get in touch with Sarah at Marketing@ymca-bg.org to find out more.

Funded by the West of England Combined Authority.

Community Pollinator Fund – West of England Combined Authority (westofengland-ca.gov.uk)