
Coronavirus Update

As of the 20th March YMCA Bath Group’s Hostels in both Bath & Bristol and the Health & Wellbeing Centre in Bath have temporarily closed during the uncertain times surrounding the COVID-19 virus.

Whilst these services are closed; teams in other aspects of what we do are working as hard as ever. Teams in our housing support projects are providing an essential frontline service, supporting vulnerable people who need a safe place to stay and someone that they can trust (including long term residents within both our hostels).

Alongside the key workers in our accommodation work, although our nurseries have closed to the majority, the early year’s teams in our nurseries are providing support to those key workers who are involved in essential services. We currently have the following 5 nurseries open for key workers – Green Shoots, Redland, Humpty Dumpty, Kings and Little Ducklings.

As a charity we are committed to Health and Wellbeing and supporting families; and so we will see how in the current context we can evolve to provide that support in new and accessible ways. We will also need to focus on essential services to ensure sustainability during this period of financial challenge.

We will be posting general information and exercise & wellbeing ideas on our social media sites, plus streamed live classes and a YouTube channel.

These online classes are all free of charge to anyone; as we want as many people to access them as possible.

If people can afford a donation, however small, to support us during this difficult time, please click on the donate button at the top of the home page.

We are asking everyone to follow the current government advice when making lifestyle choices; but in so doing, please find ways to ensure you look after you and your family’s wellbeing and find new and innovative ways to support each other. This link from Mind may help you with this:

Whilst the news headlines can cause panic, in the midst of the challenge there are some wonderful signs of hope. Communities are rallying together to support each other.

We find ourselves in an unprecedented situation with the Covid-19 pandemic affecting our families, our businesses and communities. We know that in such times it is more important than ever to keep in touch and look out for one another. YMCA we have been through global challenges before and we will continue to be here and offer support through this one.