YMCA Bath Group and YMCA Mendip & South Somerset Merge

YMCA Bath Group and YMCA Mendip & South Somerset Merge

YMCA Bath Group and YMCA Mendip & South Somerset are wishing to announce their new joint identity YMCA Brunel Group, as the two organisations successfully merge.

The charities decided to unite as a result of a meeting of culture and ambition across the two organisations. It is hoped that the newly formed YMCA Brunel Group will provide wider services for more people across more communities. The merger is a natural fit in terms of the charities’ approach to working with people and their commitment to providing a sustainable future fit for their needs.

Mike Fairbeard, Chief Executive of YMCA Brunel Group, and formerly Chief Executive of YMCA Bath Group, commented: “By coming together as one organisation we are bringing two complimentary sets of skills and people together that ultimately will enable us to be more fit for purpose moving forward; and even better able to meet our charitable aims.”

“YMCA Brunel Group is a fantastic opportunity to diversify our service offering. At YMCA Bath Group, we have skills and experience in operating a diverse range of social enterprises with the aim of supporting our charity work; while YMCA Mendip & South Somerset brings with them exceptional experience and fantastic reputation for their work in social housing and supporting vulnerable young people.

This exciting merger means YMCA Brunel Group will make us a much more diverse organisation, one which is larger and more resilient against future challenges. We wish to make it clear however, that although we will work as a much bigger entity; we still very much understand the importance of local identity and commitment to the smaller communities in which we work.

The charity landscape as a whole has been facing numerous external factors outside of its control and this merger will enable us to now consolidate our efforts more sustainably and protect the impact which our work has on young people well into the future.”

This merger follows a trend of consolidation across YMCA’s nationally. Coming together to form a new charity is a natural fit in terms of YMCA’s approach to working with young people and their commitment to providing a sustainable future fit for their needs.

Now, more than ever, whilst we face such uncertainty in our society with the current COVID-19 situation, we have to pull together; to not only provide help within our communities, but to continue to support our most vulnerable.

A new website for YMCA Brunel Group will be forthcoming, but in the meantime anyone wishing to understand further the work that we do; or to offer any support at this time, please visit the websites www.mendipymca.org.uk and www.ymcabathgroup.org.uk