YMCA Bath host a number of Yoga retreats and Events throughout the year

Yoga Retreat @ YMCA Bath

Yoga Retreats @ YMCA Bath


Narnia themed Yoga Retreat

A stunning and award winning location for events and weddings and perfect for yoga retreats. This year Trish and Sarah (two of our yoga teachers based in Bath) hosted the sell-out Narnia themed event for 25 yoga enthusiasts. The morning consisted of a more dynamic yoga session, then a beautiful pot luck lunch which everyone contributed to and always ends up being the most amazing feast. This was followed by a silent meditative walk, and then a crafting activity before returning for more restorative yoga and meditation – then tea and cakes!  Already in the diary for next year – keep a look out for tickets being released next Spring. We will also be running a day yoga retreat next Halloween at Barley Wood – which will be magical!

Yoga holiday to Sri Lanka

We still have a few spaces on our yoga holiday to Sri Lanka – returning to Hikkaduwa for the second year on 31st March 2020. For more information follow this LINK https://ymcabathgroup.org.uk/about/what-we-do/health-wellbeing/#1574725911568-7933f8d3-bae5